Teletón, founded by several companies no more than 18
years ago, is a non-profit organization with the main objective to attend kids and teenagers with health problems such
as cancer, various physical disabilities
and autism and also to give support and therapy to their families.
Our mission at SEK
Guadalajara is to promote values of solidarity, awareness and respect for
minorities, with this in mind, the school arranged a visit to this Health Centre
for our 8th grade students.
This was some great and
unforgettable experience for our pupils. During their visit they understood how
to show solidarity, respect and awareness for others better, as well as they got a chance to see
from a different perspective and appreciate more the things they have in their lives and what they are
themselves. In addition to all that they
learned that day the students will be able to help one of the patients by collecting money at our
“I was moved when I saw babies in rehab and felt impotence because I
couldn’t do anything to help them. I felt sad to realize that my problems seemed
so small in comparison to theirs. I felt grateful for everything I had, for my
family that had always supported and given me everything I needed. ” Lucía
The visit to Teletón
created an awareness in our students that we hope will soon spread over all our
school and we will be able to help more
kids in need.
Mtra. Pascaline
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